Fountainhead The Global School Overview
Ms. Meghana Musunuri is the Founder and Chairperson of the school. She is also the chairperson of SWAN, a non-profit organization to save water and nature. She is the Hyderabad Champion for WEOW by Google. She is the first person to be part of Google's Women Entrepreneurs On The Web and complete all the five circles of the programme. She is a pioneer in using Google Hangout and inviting people from the world over to interact with the children of this age. She has a futuristic vision supported by a strong passion that makes her go beyond her role and interact with the children, teachers and parents on an every day basis. She knows each and every child of the school, their background and their strengths and potentials yet to be developed. Ms. Meghana Musunuri has been awarded Acharya Devo Bhava 2014.