Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Senior Secondary School Overview
Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Senior Secondary School is a renowned educational institution that has been imparting quality education since its establishment in 1958. Initiated by a group of dedicated housewives under the Nungambakkam Ladies Recreation Club, the school began its journey towards excellence with merely 13 students. The first makeshift classroom was set up on the terrace of the residence of the school's Dean and Director, Dr. (Mrs.) Y.G. Parthasarathy. Within a year, the school was fortunate enough to secure its own campus and was relocated to its present premises in Nungambakkam, following the prestigious Madras Matriculation System of the venerable Madras University. As the school progressed, the need for additional branches emerged. As a result, the T.P. Road Junior School was established in 1971 as an annex to the main school in Nungambakkam. In 1978, this branch gained affiliation with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. In 1976, another branch of PSBB School was introduced in K.K. Nagar,