Sharada Mandir School Overview
Founded in 1966, Sharada Mandir School was set up to fulfill the long felt need for quality educaFounded in 1966, Sharada Mandir School was set up to fulfill the long felt need for quality education in Panaji from the Elementary to the Secondary level. It was the first school in Goa affiliated to The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination. The Sharada Mandir Trust resolved to expand its educational vistas and to make its activity broad-based and relevant to the times. The institution is made up of five separate sections: Elementary, Junior, Middle, Secondary and Higher Secondary integrally inter-linked in a common commitment of academic excellence and holistic development of its students and offering the curriculum of the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE). Since 1966, the Institution has grown to its present strength of around 2400 students and 130 faculty members. A low student-faculty ratio ensures small classes, encourages a close relationship and invites interactiones small classes, encourages