Podar International School - Navi Mumbai (Nerul) Overview
Vision:Students of PIS CBSE NERUL are always taught to Look up and Lift up. Look up is meant for strength and reassurance in toils, trails, temptations and troubles. Lift up means that every PODARITE, be it students or teachers, have to set for themselves high standards, goals and ambitions in all spheres of life.School is a place where children are encouraged to sayI see it, I get it, I can do it.Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of the individual child. Children acquire skills and knowledge easily if we can make the surrounding stimulating and purposeful. In the 21st century, the Digital Revolution affects us all. Quite simply, it is changing everything: a brilliant barrage of information, entertainment, companionship and education are promptly available. In such a surrounding, when work and efforts are valued, the childs self-esteem is heightened and leads to self-motivation. We try to understand and work with each child. Apart from this, wefirmly