Little Elly Overview
Located in Jayaram Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, Little Elly is an esteemed pre-school that strives to provide a nurturing environment for children, establishing a strong foundation for a knowledgeable society. This admirable initiative is brought to you by Learning Edge India Pvt. Ltd, in collaboration with Glen Tree (UK), renowned pioneers in catering to the educational requirements of children. Little Elly began its franchising venture in 2007 and has since expanded its reach to 120+ franchise centers across six states. With over 5000 students enrolled and a team of highly qualified faculty, Little Elly is dedicated to offering an exceptional educational experience. Each center is equipped with top-notch facilities customized to meet the unique needs and talents of every child, thereby creating an engaging atmosphere that seamlessly blends learning and playful exploration. For those interested in admitting their child to Little Elly, the admission process is simple. Fill out the Little Elly admission form, which can be obtained from any of our centers or