I Play I Learn Overview
I Play I Learn, located in Toli Chowki, is the Gen-Next Pre-school that brings a new innovation to the concept of early education. With years of extensive research and experience in child education, we have created a preschool that focuses on inclusive growth of children in an environment of freedom, joy, and fun. At I Play I Learn, we understand the importance of play in a child's development and believe that it is an essential part of childhood. While there are many preschools out there, we recognize the need for a preschool that prioritizes play and understands its significance for children. With this in mind, we have carefully designed I Play I Learn to cater to the needs of the new generation of learners. Our aim is to provide enriching opportunities for young minds to satisfy their curiosity through play while also facilitating their learning journey. We firmly believe that every child is born intelligent and possesses unique qualities and skills. At