Silver Oaks International School Overview
Silver Oaks International School offers admissions to provide students with a holistic and inspiring educational experience. With a focus on character development before competence, the school has been continuously growing and evolving since its establishment in 2002. One of the key factors contributing to the success of Silver Oaks International School is the trust and confidence parents have in the institution. This trust is backed by the unwavering commitment and dedication of the teachers. Together, they create an ecosystem favorable for inspired learning, where students can harness their energy and achieve their full potential. Consistency, congruence, and commitment are the pillars that shape the learning environment at Silver Oaks International School. These values are integrated into the teaching and learning processes, fostering the growth of students' civic virtues and emotional skills. By instilling these qualities, the school aims to empower students to become icons of personal and social change, who will take on leading roles in the transition towards a sustainable future. In