Mount Litera Zee School Overview
Mount Litera Zee School is a prestigious educational institution under the renowned Essel Group, spearheaded by Shri Subhash Chandra. It is dedicated to nurturing future leaders of the 21st century, operating as a part of Zee Learn Limited, a pioneer in Indian education since 1994. With a rich history of innovation, Zee Learn Limited has introduced numerous groundbreaking initiatives in the country, including ZeeQ, Kidzee preschools, Mount Litera Zee Schools, Mount Litera School International, BrainCaf School Programs, and Zee institutes of Media Art and Creative Art. Mount Litera Zee Schools are committed to creating social spaces that offer exceptional educational experiences, enhancing human capital and fostering a knowledge society. We firmly believe in delivering top-notch educational services, empowering students to become well-rounded individuals. The admissions process at Mount Litera Zee School is designed to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for interested students and their parents. Our widely acclaimed facilities provide a nurturing environment for holistic growth, fostering academic excellence, personality development,